Our D Series Screw Air Compressors< have been designed & manufactured with its Air-End & Directly coupled electrical motor connection (Direct Drive) for ensuring the purpose of productivity, long life cycle and minimum performance loss.

In this compressor model, the performance loss which is evident especially in Belt-Driven compressors has been minimized. Thanks to our compressor’s proportional valve system, which senses the installation’s air consumption requirements by using pressure multiplier and by fixing pressure level, hence blocks the excessive air consumption, lifts the excess load from the motor and provides energy saving. So with these interconnected system, our compressors have been designed to achieve maximum benefits with minimum costs.

Coupling replacement can be performed without disconnecting motor from the air-end group.

In DD Series Air-Dryer integrated Screw Air Compressors, apart from the above mentioned features, inside its canopy and compact structure, they also have integrated Air-Dryer, Line filter, water separator and automatic water discharge system which can not lead to air loss. Our compressor’s Outlet Air Quality conforms the (*) ISO 7183 standard.

In our Air-Dryer System, there is a capacitor which ensures the Air-Dryer’s minimum energy consumption and it contributes to the targeted energy productivity of the companies.

(*) ISO 7183 Standard which purifies the air from moisture, dust and oil particles so ensures desired air values.